We talked to the surgeon Friday. It didn’t go as we figured it would, but for a very good reason.
It seems that when I had the angiogram a couple weeks ago besides the aneurysm and leaking valve they also found blockages in one of the veins of the heart. We both read the report but somehow missed that. Now we know.
So that is now three things that need fixing. the doctor presented two scenarios. One, they go in and do everything at once, putting in a bypass to the blockage. Problem is that means they have to harvest a vein from her leg. that gives me another wound and by report more pain than the chest cracking. Also another chance for infection.
Or…they go in and put a stent in that vein to open it up. That has the same benefit as the bypass but does not require the leg wound. They go in the groin and do the job, not requiring chest opening. The down here is they cannot do the big surgery until the stent has had 3-6 months to settle down. During that time I must take blood thinners, and they don’t want to do the surgery with her taking those. The advantage is much less pain, and both procedures give the same benefit. The down is I have to wait for the surgery a few months. One good point is the aneurysm is just over the threshold for doing something, not ballooning out dangerously. This means they can wait a bit to do the surgery.
We talked it over with the doc and indicated the stent seems like the way to go. He will talk with my other two heart/vascular docs and let us know the proposed decision in a couple weeks. So we’re still in the waiting mode. We need to get it all fixed, and opening the blockage seems like the primary thing at the moment.
So as usual nothing is as simple as it first seems. It’s more of a marathon than a sprint. We’ll get there.
You have been my support in every way! Think good thoughts, pray if you can. And thank you!
Your decisions sound like good ones. The stent can make a big difference. My procedure turned into 2 and there may be a third because of valve issues so I understand. The frustration is real. I think the stent sounds far preferable, the improved bloodflow should really help. I’m on blood thinner for the rest of my life. The new ones are much better than coumadin. Hopefully your insurance will help with the cost. However, I know at least 2 people on coumadin who have had no problem. When on a blood thinner, if you hit your head go get a CT scan. Do not mess around with it. Maybe by mid next year I’ll be admiring that finished heron. Thanks for the update, I would love to follow your health progress if you don’t mind sharing. Thank you for all the goodies from Thursday. The frog has become a mascot in my sewing room. Joe asked me to add that he enjoyed visiting with Don. when you are through all your surgeries and back to creating, we would love to make the drive again and see what you are doing with the router. You will be in our thoughts. I look forward to really good news.
Sending you prayers for a healthy recovery Ellen. My hubby had heart surgery four years ago for a leaky valve, atrial fib and an evolving aneurysm. A scary road for sure but you will come through this journey with better health. It may take a year to feel like yourself again but every day you will get stronger and stronger. Have patience but most importantly , be gentle with yourself. Unfortunately (lol) for hubby he had me making him go for walks within a couple of weeks of surgery and 74 days post surgery he climbed a hill which was an hour walk up. Quite the achievement. So you’ve got this. I will put you in my prayers and send love and light for your new journey. . Keep your fans updated!
Several years ago, the Hubster had two stents put in. There have been no issues since! Whatever the decisions for you, I pray the Lord to keep you and bless you! You’ve got this!